SinglesCruise - Travel Single, Never Alone.

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Interested Sailings (MAX 3):
4/26/25 Mediterranean: Italy, France & Spain from Lisbon
5/24/25 Western Caribbean & Perfect Day Memorial Day
6/15/25 Alaska Inside Passage on Serenade of the Seas
7/12/25 Hawaii Cruise on Norwegian Pride of America
8/14/25 Northern Europe: Iceland, Norway, Belgium, London
9/28/25 Canada / New England on Norwegian Getaway
10/26/25 Halloween (OPTION II) on Carnival Liberty
10/26/25 Halloween (OPTION I) on Norwegian Aqua
11/29/25 Southern Caribbean & Perfect Day
12/6/25 Eastern Caribbean & Perfect Day
12/27/25 New Year's Eve Southern Caribbean
1/17/26 Panama Canal on Carnival Miracle
2/7/26 The Big Game & Valentine's Day
3/10/26 Thailand, Vietnam, & Indonesia
3/20/26 Weekend of Wonder
4/12/26 Mexican Riviera on Norwegian Bliss
5/10/26 Caribbean w/ Celebration Key
6/7/26 Alaska on Norwegian Encore
7/5/26 4th of July in Boston to Bermuda
8/7/26 Solar Eclipse in Spain

Desired Cabin:
Desired Occupancy:
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California Registration No. (CST) 2096145-50.
WA/UBI: 602-864-630
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